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Terms and Conditions

Please read the following information prior to your appointment and also refer to my Privacy Policy.

  • I deal with female clients only, and don't treat under 16 year olds.
  • Deposit Arrangements: For new clients, a £10 deposit is required to secure your booking.  Once a date and time has been agreed I will send you a link to make your deposit payment, I will hold your booking for 48 hours and once your deposit is received you will receive an email/SMS text confirming your appointment and providing my address details.  If your deposit is not received within 48 hours, your booking will be cancelled and be made available for other clients to book.  This deposit is non-refundable if you do not attend your appointment but it can be transferred to another appointment if you need to rearrange.
  • The balance of your payment is to be made at the end of your appointment and I can accept either cash or card payments.

Gift Vouchers purchased from 01 July 2022 now have a 6 month expiry from date of purchase.  Please note I only work Tuesday, Thursday & Friday and have limited evening appointments available.  Please check the vouchers are suitable before purchase as refunds can not be given.  I generally do not sell gift vouchers for Pregnancy Treatments unless the recipient is an existing client, this is because the client may have complications that prevent her from receiving treatment.

  • My therapy room is in my home and is upstairs.  If you have any mobility issues, please discuss with me in advance of your appointment.
  • My massage bed is able to accommodate a maximum weight of 146kg/23 stone, for your safety I can not provide treatment if this weight restriction is exceeded.
  • The treatment times listed are the approximate time your appointment will take, however your first appointment is likely to take longer to allow for initial consultation time. I also don't like to rush my clients out so sometimes appointments may run a little over the listed time.
  • I don't have a waiting area therefore I leave plenty of time between appointments so the previous client has left before the next one arrives. Please arrive on time for your appointment, a few minutes early is okay but if you arrive too early I may be finishing with a previous client and unable to answer the door.  
  • Because I don't have a waiting area I am only able to deal with one client at a time. Please attend your appointment alone.
  • Parking is available on my driveway.

Medical Conditions

  • Please notify me of any long standing medical conditions or any infectious conditions (including cold, flu, stomach bugs etc) prior to your appointment.  This helps me prepare for your treatment and make any adjustments necessary.   If a particular therapy is not suitable for you, this can be discussed in advance and will avoid disappointment if I am unable to go ahead with your treatment.
  • Covid-19/Flu Symptoms - I will send a reminder email/text message 24 hours prior to your treatment, if you have any cold or flu type symptoms at this time please notify me.  You will be required to sanitize hands on arrival, facemasks are no longer required but if you would prefer to wear a mask or would like me to wear a mask to protect you, please let me know.  Please note, because of this relaxation in policy, if you have a cold, flu or a stomach bug, please rearrange your appointment for when you are feeling better.  If I get ill I am unable to work and as a self employed person I don't receive any sickness benefits.
  • For your safety I will be continuing my enhanced cleaning measures, ventilating the room and leaving an appropriate gap between clients.

  •   Please keep belongings to a minimum and place them in the basket provided in the Therapy Room .  
  • Please advise if you have had recent surgery.  Massage treatments are not recommended until you have been signed off by your Consultant.


  • I use aromatherapy essential oils and nut oils in my treatments. Please notify me at booking if you have a nut allergy and be aware that you will be coming into a family home so allergens may be present. 

  • Essential oils are only used with your consent but if you are particularly sensitive to aromatherapy oils (or if you are pregnant) please notify me so I can ensure the room has been well ventilated and cleared of aromatherapy prior to your appointment.

Cancellations and late arrivals

  • Everyone has busy lives and sometimes things happen which means you have to cancel. Late cancellations mean a loss of earnings for myself, so please give me as much notice as possible. Unlike many therapists, I don't charge a late cancellation fee. With your co-operation I hope that cancellations won't become an issue.

  • Deposits are non-refundable if you do not attend your appointment but can be transferred to another appointment if you need to rearrange.

  • Please note, if you are late arriving for your appointment I may need to reduce your treatment time and the full charge will still be due.  


  • Please advise me when booking your appointment if you are pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant, this applies to all treatments including holistic therapies, facials and pedicures. 

  • Massage treatments are suitable from the 2nd Trimester onwards and for women with low risk pregnancies they can be very beneficial in supporting you through your maternity journey.

  • I have completed a Maternity Reflexology Course with Sally Earlam Reflexology, accredited by the Association of Reflexologists (AOR).   Reflexology is available from the 2nd trimester onwards and is especially beneficial in the later stages of your pregnancy.  If you are unsure if Reflexology is suitable for you please feel free to contact me to discuss.  

  • I recommend that you discuss with your midwife or GP before commencing reflexology or massage treatments.  If you have a high risk pregnancy or a history of miscarriages, written permission from your Doctor may be required prior to you commencing treatment.  

  • You may be required to complete a consultation form prior to your appointment.  It is very important that you inform me of any complications in your pregnancy to ensure your treatment is safe and appropriate for you.  These complications include:

• Heavy (pre-birth) bleeding or sudden onset of pain

• Abnormal amniotic fluid (increased or decreased fluid)

• Connective Tissue Disorder

• Preterm Labour

• Incompetent Cervix

• Deep Vein Thrombosis

• Intrauterine Growth Retardation

• Placental Abruption

• Substance Abuse

• Repeat Miscarriages

• Hyperemesis Gravidarum  (Severe Morning Sickness)

• Pre-eclampsia

• Placental Previa

• Chronic Hypertension

• Thyroid Disease

• Obstetric Cholestasis

• Diabetes & Gestational Diabetes

• Kidney Disease

• Heart Disease


Please note that if you have any of the conditions listed, this does not automatically mean you can not receive a treatment, but more information will be required so an informed choice can be made whether treatment is suitable and safe for you.


copyright - sereneholistictherapy 2025



Amendment to Covid Policy, 01/03/2022  

Now all legal restrictions have been removed in England there will be an amendment to my Covid policy.

I will be continuing to wear a mask during your appointment for the time being and I will kindly ask you to also wear a mask. However, I will no longer be enforcing client mask wearing, so if you would prefer to remove your mask during treatment then you may do so.  Please note, because of this relaxation in policy, if you have any cold or flu type symptoms, however mild, please rearrange your appointment for when you are feeling better. If I get ill I am unable to work and as a self employed person I don't receive any sickness benefits.

For your safety I will be continuing my enhanced cleaning measures, ventilating the room and leaving an appropriate gap between clients.


Covid 19 Secure Workplace Policy (full wording)

This policy has been written in conjunction with The Association of Reflexologists and Government Guidelines for Close Contact Workplaces.


As an Association of Reflexologist (AOR) member  I will :

  • Work within Government Guidelines

  • Have prepared for and complied with the AOR return to work document

  • Comply with the AOR Covid-19 Secure Hygiene Guidelines - details strict hygiene practices for the therapist. You can request a copy from your therapist.  

  • I will complete a risk assessment (covid consultation) before each treatment to ascertain if it is appropriate for you to have a treatment.

  • Hand washing before and after treatments (or hand sanitizer with a minimum of 60% alcohol)

  • Our members will have clean, dedicated clothes/uniforms for treatments..

  • Treatment spacing - I will be allowing at least 30 mins between clients to minimize contact with other clients

  • Cleaning - this 30 mins also allows for couch/chair coverings to be changed and any surfaces that have been touched and bathroom facilities to be cleaned between each client.  

  • Depending on the latest guidelines, your therapist is likely to be wearing a facial covering and you will be asked to wear one too.  You can expect your therapist to be wearing a medical grade facial mask for treatments such as foot reflexology and also a visor for treatments that do not allow for 2 metres distancing such as massages.

  • Clean linen and towels will be used for each client.

  • Soft furnishings - will be removed if non-essential or completely covered e.g. pillows.

  • A cleaning checklist will be on display to show when cleaning has taken place.

  • Waste will be disposed of in line with government guidelines.

  • Laundry in line with government guidelines.

As a client you will be required to:

  • Complete a risk assessment (covid consultation) before each treatment (your therapist will contact you to complete this)​.

  • On arrival declare if anything has changed with your health or within your family unit.

  • Wash your hands or use the hand sanitizer provided on arrival.

  • You may be asked to wear a face covering.  Your therapist will let you know before your treatment if this is the case.

  • Bring your own bottle of water.

  • Inform your therapist if you develop any symptoms of covid-19 however mild.

  • Arrange contactless payment if possible.

Hygiene and safety is of paramount importance to us, if there is anything you are unsure about please contact your therapist to discuss


copyright -  Association of Reflexologists 2020 & Serene Holistic Therapy 2021


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